Gay artist creates comic book covers of iconic albums by female

Alexander is a gay artist who began to work on his “comic book project” in June of 2018, starting by creating a comic book cover based on Björk’s 1993 album Debut.
In the months following, Alexander would go on to create artwork based off of all nine of Björk’s studio albums. Every single piece is chocked full of references to the album itself, it’s tracklist, including B-sides, it’s accompanying music videos as well as fashion and hair and make-up.
Alexander told what inspired him to create the fascinating pieces and how the concept came about. “I’ve always had a love for the artwork in comics and graphic novels ever since I can remember,” he explained, “I’d never attempted working in this style before and one day I was just sketching while going through an intense Björk phase and the two seemed to fit together.”

After finishing the Björk series, Liam moved on to another much-loved artist, Kate Bush beginning with her 1978 album The Kick Inside. Liam explained in an interview that he draws his inspiration from Bush’s own work as well as certain elements from  Batman’s Gotham City as well as Prince!
Just like the Björk series, Liam created unique and stunning faux-comic book covers of all Kate’s albums, finishing with 50 Words For Snow.
If you want to keep up to date with his latest creations you can follow Liam on Instagram @artofliamalxndr.  Also, if you want to support the artist further and get your own physical copy of any of these fab pieces, Liam sells prints of his artwork on his Etsy store!